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What Is So Good About Silk Pillowcases?

You will never go back to what you were using after experiencing all the benefits that silk pillowcases have to offer on your skin and hair. Imagine not tangling your hair whilst you sleep and keeping your blow-dry more perfect for those extra days. Not to mention that you won’t wake up with sleep creases on your face either.

But what is the difference between a silk pillowcase and a satin one?

Silk is a 100% natural fibre. Satin is made nylon or polyester and we no that natural fibres breath much better than synthetic ones.

Silk pillowcases vary in quality. Mulberry silk is not measured by thread count as the silk fibre diameter may vary, so they measure in the weight referred to as Mommes (mm) the higher the momme the better the quality of the silk is. We recommend 22mm for silk pillowcases.

A perfect gift for Mother’s Day or a devine birthday gift for just about anyone.